Friday 6 February 2009

Need for Speed Undercover, Fable II Cheevo's.

Rented out EA's new title in the Need for Speed franchise, Need for Speed Undercover for a bit of relief from Fable II and Mass Effect. If your looking for a justified review on this game, or are wondering whether or not to buy this game, heres what to do:-
  • - Buy Need for Speed: Underground or any other earlier Need for Speed game for as cheap as possible, or even rent it.
  • - Note the gameplay, cars, mechanics, storyline etc
  • - Now, imagine that your an undercover cop chasing car-thieves.

And there you have it. Need for Speed Undercover covered in three short bullet-points. Well I guess it's not all the same, but you have to admit its extremely similar. What annoys me is that Need for Speed is not the sort of franchise that should be able to pull this off, the game is, well, ok, I guess, but it shouldn't be able to keep making so much money from titles that are so parallel with each other. I don't mind paying for games that have a lot of the same elements BUT are at least mildly entertaining. With Need for Speed Undercover, thats not the case. If anything rent EA's most recent piece of crap. Rant over.

Back onto my latest love, Fable II. Due to the amount of play time it's recieving I've even decided to rip it to my hard-drive! Now thats love. Earned some fun achievements there earlier for doing things like stealing money, changing my name and getting married twice. Fun Fun. My latest disappointment came after battling through the fucking catacombs (previous post) against Fable II's worst of which I got NO REWARD. After bearing my heart and soul for a bunch of useless Fable cunt crowd-people for what felt like forever, I returned to the surface and fucked off my Hero cloak and turned into one bad-ass cunt. My rampage totaled me up with 24 guards and 9 civillians slain. I had a warrant of 33 cases of murder, 4 cases of attempted murder and 2 cases of theft. After paying out a hefty fine the general public now fear me as though I was walking form of Chlamydia. Long live Sparrow Lionheart.

Ballbeg out.

Thursday 5 February 2009

Whore-Fest, USA / BallbegsGames Updated

Whats up guys, it's been a productive week for me. Sorry for the lack of blogging, schools been getting in the way. Stupid ass place. Anyway, got BallbegsGames up and running again. Uploaded two more Gears of War 2 Achievement videos.

Remember to SUSCRIBE!

Last time I posted on this I was struggling with the day-to-day running of Fable II, perfectly understandable due to the harsh, harsh climate that it provides. A few days ago I was known as the "Chicken-Kicker" by Town Criars. Stuff them. Now I should be "Fable God" due to my current circumstances. Lets start off with my relationships. I've been married four times, have three kids and my sister is still dead, useless cow. I've had an affair with a man and have been divorced twice. If your currently playing through Fable II and are wondering whether or not to get married DON'T. It's a waste of time. There are no advantages to it other than having sex which just brings more kids, which means more money, which means another solid hour at the blacksmith playing a mini-game which could be played by a blind-person. Aside from relationships I'm currently at the top of the financial ladder, I buy-over buildings then rape customers and tennants for all they're worth. It makes me corrupt apparently and changes my appearence similar to the character on the cover of Too Human. Who cares. He looks bad-ass.
I still don't understand the story but that seems to be what makes Fable rock. You never know whats going to happen. Half the time I seem to have the same facial-expression as Dom during the Gears of War Campaign. Like tonight, I thought I was about to board some fleet ship to go find some Hero of Rock or something, not tonight, straight into some gaunlet match of death-land where I had seven rounds of three waves of enemies which arrayed from giant-beetles to hollowmen. It was like Horde or Zombie mode only as if every enemy was hooked on steroids since they could talk. Either way. I'm going to keep hammering on.

In local news, Pete lost his Gamerscore throne to Merv who surpassed his gamerscore by a miraculous 10G. Of course Merv130 has practically been whoring it out since he got his 360 with such great titles like King Kong, Avatar and Crime Scene Investigation, but hey, theres nothing better than seeing Pete111111 getting it stuck to him. Rock on Merv. Stay tuned for some more Fable II fun and some achievement videos on BallbegsGames as thats the only thing I can see myself doing in the not-to-distant-future. Finally, Grats to Merv, Ballbeg out.

Sunday 1 February 2009

Boredom Cured by Kicking Chickens, Shooting Rabbits and Digging Holes

Incase your wondering what I'm talking about, its Fable 2 thats rocking my 360 this weather. So far so good it seems, having rattled through about an hour and a half of playing time in which my charactor has got to:-

  • - Kick chickens.
  • - Watch his sister get shot.
  • - Stab giant beetles.
  • - Aquire a helpful hound.
  • - Dig holes.
  • - Kill rabbits.
  • - Set some slaves free.

Bit of change from playing Gears of War but what are you going to do? As far as I'm concerned Fable 2 rocks. I've also aquired around 100G just from doing stupid little things like delivering letters and setting thugs on fire.

Aside from Fable 2, I'm currently trying to play my way through Mass Effect and make some new videos for BallbegsGames, so stay tuned for some more Achievement Videos on my channel.
Ballbeg out.

Friday, Friday.

Ballbeg here, decided to take another well earned day off school today, (everyone knows I don't like school, eh Pete?) anyway, nothing better to do than straight onto Guitar Hero 3 for a bit of Hard Career. As a bit of background knowledge into my Guitar Hero career, I started shortly before Christmas 2007 and have been rocking out with my cock-out ever since. Today started on a high, unlocking some achievement for hitting 250,000 notes in career which brought my gamerscore up to a whore-like 29,214.

Full of confidence after my little boost of gamerscore, I decided to try and shred the two songs that had me stumped for just over a year, "Raining Blood" and "One" on Hard(Yeah, I know I suck). Anyway, I mastered the star power and eventually ass-raped "Raining Blood". After I recovered from my near heart-attack due to excitement and over-strumming, I reached the conclusion that "One" couldn't have been as easy to surpass. It wasn't. The strumming in that song makes me want to rip my arm out and beat down my 360. Fucking Metallica with their incredible guitarists. When the shit hit the fan I got the job done and four-starred the cunt, vowing never to play it again. After my victory parade and a short chat with Merv, I decided to move onto the next task at hand.
With the last set done in career, it was time to battle with Lou. If anyone is wondering who Lou is, he's like the Chuck Norris of Guitar. He could have out played Jimi-Hendrix by whistling. He's that fucking good. He's also shown above. After 15+ efforts which ended in me getting my ass handed to me, Merv the comedian says, "Maybe you'll get it next Christmas." Yeah, hi-larious Merv you whore. Go play CSI. Anyway, much like "Raining Blood" and "One" I worked out the power-ups that I needed to collect and eventually beat his ass back to wherever the hell Guitar Gods come from. Mission Accomplished, "Always Hard - Complete Career on the Hard difficulty". It only took me around 400 days after all. Good times none the less, Ballbeg out.

Cause of Rejuvenation

Incase your wondering why Ballbeg is back in town from a brief demise from blogging, exams are over and I need a new hobby... blogging it is then. Check back for the latest on life and gaming. Oh and if your bored looking at this crummy excuse for a blog, head on over to, I'm sure the Razor would be glad for a few views.